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Free Text Analysis Tools

Analyze your text with professional tools. Free, no ads, no registration needed.

Text Statistics Tools

Word Counter


Count the total number of words in your text, perfect for essays and documents with specific requirements.

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Character Counter


Count all characters, with and without spaces in your text, useful for social media and character limits.

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Sentence Counter


Count the total number of sentences and analyze sentence distribution in your text.

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Paragraph Counter


Track the number of paragraphs to maintain organized document structure.

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Average Word Length Calculator


Calculate the average length of words in characters to understand text complexity.

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Average Sentence Length Calculator


Determine the average number of words per sentence in your text.

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Readability Tools

Automated Readability Index (ARI)

Calculate the US grade level needed to comprehend your text using character and word count metrics.

Coleman-Liau Index

Analyze text complexity based on average number of letters and sentences per 100 words.

Dale-Chall Readability

Evaluate text difficulty using a list of 3,000 words familiar to most 4th-grade students.

Flesch Reading Ease

Score your text on a 100-point scale, where higher scores indicate easier readability.

Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level

Convert text complexity into US grade levels for better understanding of content accessibility.

Gunning Fog Index

Estimate years of formal education needed to understand your text on first reading.

SMOG Index

Calculate grade level based on number of polysyllabic words in sample sentences.

Spache Readability

Assess primary-grade reading materials using a curated list of familiar words.

Time Estimation Tools

Reading Time Calculator


Estimate how long it will take to read your text based on average or custom reading speeds.

Speaking Time Calculator


Calculate how long it would take to speak your text aloud, perfect for speeches and presentations.

Writing Time Estimator


Estimate the time needed to write your text based on average or personal typing speeds.

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