Gorby - List of Features

Here, you will find a complete list of all the features included in our app, along with detailed screenshots and indications of whether each feature is free or part of our premium plan. Explore the features and see how they can assist you in achieving your writing goals.

Text Statistics Overview

Use advanced text statistics to get an overview of your text.

Words and Characters
Count the number of words and characters, both with and without spaces.
Sentences and Paragraphs
Keep track of the number of sentences and paragraphs in your document.
Sentence & Word Lengths
Identify the longest and shortest sentences by word count and calculate the average length. Measure the average length of words in your text.
Estimated Times
Get estimates for how long it will take to read, speak, and write your text.
Screenshot of Gorby statistics sidebar

Real-time Writing Analysis

Text Checks and Highlights

Get instant feedback on your writing with automatic highlighting of potential improvements and advanced text analysis capabilities.

Screenshot of text checks and highlights feature
Real-time Analysis
Instantly identify hard-to-read sentences, passive voice, adverbs, and other elements that might affect your writing clarity.
Advanced Checks
Premium users can access additional powerful checks for overused words, clichés, acronyms, redundancies, and SEO optimization.
Customizable Highlighting
Choose between background highlights or underlines, set custom colors, and adjust detection thresholds to match your preferences.

AI Writing Assistance

Use AI to improve your text's clarity, structure, and tone while preserving your message.

Text Operations
Convert passive to active voice, replace weak adverbs with strong verbs, and rephrase text for better readability.
Tone Adjustments
Adjust your writing to be more professional, technical, casual, or persuasive based on your audience.
Custom Instructions
Give the AI specific directions for modifying your text, from basic edits to complex rewrites.
Screenshot of AI writing features

Readability Scores

Evaluate the complexity of your text with multiple readability metrics, each highlighting the education level and comprehension difficulty.

Various Readability Metrics
Analyze your text with metrics such as ARI, Coleman-Liau, Dale-Chall, Flesch Reading Ease, Flesch-Kincaid, Gunning Fog, and SMOG.
Education and Comprehension Levels
Scores indicate the education level and comprehension difficulty required for each index.
Readability and Complexity Insights
Understand the readability and complexity of your text through detailed scoring.
Screenshot of readability scores feature

Customize Your Text Analysis

Sentence Highlighter

Highlight and analyze sentences in your text based on customizable length ranges.

Screenshot of sentence highlighter feature
Custom Color and Range Settings
Customize the colors and sentence length ranges to highlight different parts of your text according to your preferences.
Manage Ranges
Remove or change existing ranges effortlessly to refine your text analysis criteria.
Add New Ranges
Expand your analysis capabilities by adding new sentence length ranges, tailored to your specific needs.

Rich Text Formatting

Add formatting to your text with easy-to-use editing tools

Text Styling
Format your text with bold, italic, underline, and strikethrough options for enhanced readability and emphasis.
Document Structure
Organize your content with headings, lists, blockquotes, and links to create well-structured documents.
History Management
Never lose your work with built-in undo and redo functionality to track and restore changes.
Screenshot of rich text formatting options

Saved Texts

Keep your writing organized with local text storage and backup capabilities.

Text Organization
Save your texts with custom titles and descriptions, making it easy to manage multiple writing projects.
Local Storage
Store texts securely in your browser with quick access while maintaining complete privacy.
Backup and Export
Create backups of your texts and export them as Word documents for safekeeping or sharing.
Screenshot of saved texts management view

Optimize Your Content

Keyword Density Analysis

Optimize your text with detailed keyword density analysis, including n-grams.

Keyword density analysis
Keyword Display Settings
Set the number of keywords to display and the minimum count required.
Stop Words Exclusion
Exclude common stop words from your keyword analysis to focus on the most relevant terms.
N-gram Analysis
Analyze keyword densities in terms of 1, 2, or 3-word combinations (n-grams) for deeper insights.

Advanced Text Tagging

Leverage our text tagging feature to gain deeper insights into your text.

Extensive POS Highlighting
Automatically identifies and highlights parts of speech such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs for comprehensive text analysis.
Instant Statistics
Real-time count of tagged elements provides a quick summary of your text's composition.
Screenshot of text tagging feature

Targeted Text Replacement

Find and Replace

Streamline your text editing process with our intuitive find and replace functionality.

Screenshot of find and replace feature
Bulk Replacement
Replace all occurrences of a term throughout your document with a single click, ensuring uniformity and saving time.
Targeted Replacements
Select specific matches to replace directly from the text or the right-side panel, providing detailed control over the editing process.
Highlighting Matches
All instances of the search term are highlighted, making it easy to identify and select the ones you want to replace.

Set Writing Goals

Motivate yourself with our customizable writing goal feature.

Custom Word Goals
Set a specific number of words you'd like to accomplish and stay motivated as you write.
Progress Tracking
Enable the goal progress bar to visually track your writing progress in real-time.
Audio Notifications
Get notified with a sound when you reach your writing goal, providing instant gratification.
Screenshot of setting writing goals feature

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