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Text Checks and Highlights
Get instant feedback on your writing with automatic highlighting of potential improvements and advanced text analysis capabilities.
Use AI to improve your text's clarity, structure, and tone while preserving your message.
Evaluate the complexity of your text with multiple readability metrics, each highlighting the education level and comprehension difficulty.
Sentence Highlighter
Highlight and analyze sentences in your text based on customizable length ranges.
Add formatting to your text with easy-to-use editing tools
Keep your writing organized with local text storage and backup capabilities.
Keyword Density Analysis
Optimize your text with detailed keyword density analysis, including n-grams.
Leverage our text tagging feature to gain deeper insights into your text.
Find and Replace
Streamline your text editing process with our intuitive find and replace functionality.
Motivate yourself with our customizable writing goal feature.
Transform your writing from good to exceptional. Smart analysis tools that help you craft content that resonates.
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