guide to redeeming license keys.
You can now install Gorby as a desktop application. When using Microsoft Edge, you can add Gorby to your taskbar and start menu for quick access. While it’s essentially the same as using Gorby in your browser, having it as a separate app can make it more convenient to access.
Check out our guide on how to install Gorby as a desktop app to get started.
The Sentence Highlighter feature now lets you underline sentences instead of coloring them completely. Previously, the only option was to color the entire area behind the text, as if using a real highlighter. This new underlining option gives you more flexibility in how you want to visualize sentence lengths in your text.
We’ve doubled our synonyms database! Now featuring approximately 20,000 of the most frequently used English words. You can access these synonyms by highlighting any word in your text and clicking the dictionary icon.
We’ve added new readability tools that include detailed explanations, calculators, and historical background for:
These tools help you better understand and optimize your content’s readability for your target audience.
We’re working on updating our Readability Scores feature. The new version will mark words that belong to specific word lists (like Dale-Chall), show the formulas being used, and display relevant numbers (like sentence and syllable counts) that go into calculating each score. We also want to improve the sidebar layout to make it easier to navigate around the different tools.
Thank you for being part of the Gorby community and helping us grow. Your feedback continues to shape our development, and we’re excited to bring you even more improvements in the coming months.
Branimir Rijavec
Founder & Lead Developer
Transform your writing from good to exceptional. Smart analysis tools that help you craft content that resonates.
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